The Amphibian Research Centre was established as a centre dedicated to
research and conservation of Australia's unique frogs. They provide expertise
in all areas of frog knowledge including captive breeding and research
and education.

An ever-growing project aiming to provide descriptions,
distributions, images, breeding calls, and more for every
frog in Australia. A powerful regional guide system allows
you to easily find the frogs of your area.

The Community forums allow you to tap into the combined frogs knowledge of
our Australia -wide network of frog enthusiasts. Gardening, trivia, pets,
frog identification, encounters, and more - specific questions asked and answered
Victorian Frog Group

The VFG invites you to participate in activities and meetings
held regularly. Don't miss the feature article section.

Looking to get involved with frogs in Australia? Join with like-minded
people in your region or state and learn of local activities and programs.

An estimated 6000-8000 frogs are transported to Melbourne
annually in produce. These tropical frogs cannot survive in Victoria's
cool climate nor can they be returned to their home state due to fears
of spreading disease. These displaced frogs are cared for at the VFG's
and ARC's Lost Frogs' Home, nursed back to health in quarantine and eventually
placed into a caring home as a family pet.
New Feature Article

In March 2013, 120 Adult captive raised Corroboree Frogs were
released into Kosciuszko National Park.

The Southern Corroboree Frog is perhaps Australia's most
spectacular frog - unfortunately it is also Australia's
most endangered frog. Together with the NSW National Parks
and Wildlife Service, the ARC is seeking to save this
beautiful species from the brink of extinction.

Frog Watch is dedicated to the provision of frog habitat
within residential and rural properties.
It focuses on frog-friendly gardening,
encouraging frogs to visit (and maybe even breed in)
your backyard.

The best other sites on amphibians available on the net,
categorised and individually reviewed. If you want to
know all about frogs - what you can't find at frogs.org.au,
you'll certainly find at one of these URLs.