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Presented here is a very selective list of frog-related sites on the internet. Many of these sites provide further links, so be warned that you could be in for many hours of wandering the net.

Enjoy your exploration.

Australian frog groups and societies

The Field Guide to Australian Frog Groups contains information about societies and frog-related programs that you are able to become involved in. Some of these sites provide additional details about the frogs of Australia, particularly if you are looking for state-based information.

Australian information

Frogwatch NT

Officially known as "Northern Australian Frogs Database System", this site is completely database-driven as the name suggests. Its rather technical presentation is functional and powerful and it delivers a wealth of information, which is maintained regularly. Registering as a member of the site allows you to make contributions to FAQs (asking and answering) and to report frog sightings. Frogwatch NT is particularly a great source of news on the Cane Toad and its progression west from Queensland (having now reached Darwin!). If you can ignore the rather carefree attitude to spelling, this is an essential site.

Frogs of the Greater Brisbane Region

A web-based field guide to the 35 or so species of frog found in the area surrounding Brisbane. Each frog has quite detailed information on identification, habitat, and behaviour, together with a photograph. In many cases, the mating call is also available.

Frogs of South Australia

Supporting material for the EPA Frog Census in South Australian, this is a comprehensive field guide to the state's amphibian population. The site features an identification key to the species.

Frogs of Tasmania

A section within the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service's well-constructed website, each species of the state's frog population has it's own page with a small amount of information, an image, and a recording of the mating call.

Museum of Victoria - Bioinformatics

Second only to's Frogs of Victoria project, this is an essential stop for people searching for information on Victorian frogs. This site, powered by the extensive records of the Museum of Victoria, provides access to the museum's collection management database across a wide range of query types. The rather "dry" records are given new life with fantastic mapping options and supported by high quality photographs and sound files.

Frogs of Western Australia

If you can't find what you need within's own Frogs of Western Australia, the Western Australian Museum's revamped Frog WAtch website has a great field guide for the frogs of the west, divided into "southwest", "arid zone", and "kimberley".

Australian Herpetological Directory

Featuring reports of the current research at James Cook University (which includes amphibian diseases and declines), the site is a valuable directory of resources for the study of Australian frogs, particularly those of north Queensland.

General global information


Based at Berkeley in California USA, AmphibiaWeb is an online system that allows free access to information on amphibian biology and conservation. Similar to the Frogs of Australia project but with a global perspective, AmphibiaWeb seeks to offer species accounts for all known amphibians. Information is added by specialists and volunteers and they contain species descriptions, life history information, conservation status, literature references, photos and range maps for many species. While (understandably) there are enormous gaps, there exists a staggering amount of information and the site is particularly strong on taxonomic detail. is "a non-profit, educational website, whose purpose is to make available accurate, and organized amphibian information for hobbyists, professionals, or curious individuals". A site with plenty of room to grow, it is a repository for captive care sheets, species accounts, photos, and articles attached to any of the planet's many amphibians. Items are sourced from multiple contributors.

Research into amphibian declines

Declining Amphibian Population Task Force

The DAPTF is a global network of biologists and conservationists which is concerned with the issue of declining amphibian populations. The DAPTF was established in 1991 by the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the World Conservation Union (IUCN). Includes links to all the various working groups around the world. Home to "Froglog", the DATF's newsletter.

Frog Decline Reversal Project

The Frog Decline Reversal Project (which incorporates the Cairns Frog Hospital) provides some great local (and practical) advice on disease and other threats to frogs and what community members can do to help. This is a community-based group but has regular contact with scientists. Remember that Queensland has different legislation regarding keeping and releasing frogs than any other state of Australia (the Queensland regulations are detailed on the site) so some of the suggestions and projects (for example, relocation of frogs) may be illegal in other states.

Amphibian Diseases Home Page

Maintained by Rick Speare at James Cook Univeristy, the aim of this site is to provide high quality information on diseases of amphibians with a focus on diseases of significance in wild populations. It is right on target. There is a wealth of information on chytridiomycosis, associated with amphibian declines.

Save The Frogs

Save The Frogs! strives to be the world's leading amphibian conservation organization: a primary contributor to scientific research, policy-making and legal defense; a major source of amphibian conservation grants to students, postdoctorate fellows, and academics; and the principal source of amphibian information and education available to the public.


The Whole Frog Project

The goal of the Whole Frog Project is to provide high school biology classes the ability to explore the anatomy of a frog by using data from high resolution MRI imaging and from mechanical sectioning, together with 3D surface and volume rendering software to visualize the anatomical structures of the intact animal. Includes a rotating, transparent frog movie and virtual dissection tools. Fascinating.

Net frog dissection

Learn all about what's inside a frog and how to get at it, without getting your hands dirty or (more importantly) unnecessarily killing a frog.

What was once a fantastic (and free!) virtual online frog dissection is now a subscription service. The original site was "designed to give a better understanding of frogs and other lifeforms by the use of instructional technology". A great demo remains that is worth having a play with.


Australian Faunal Directory (Amphibian checklist)

Taxomony for Australian frogs featuring references to all the documents featuring the original descriptions of species and papers that reclassified or renamed species. This site demonstrates what a difficult and fluid thing taxonomy is - with all the renamings and rearrangements documented in the same tree.

American Museum of Natural History (Amphibians)

The bible for the arrangement of amphibians into family, subfamily, genus, and species. Kept up-to-date based on the latest scientific advice.

Totally froggy

The Froggy Page

Home to all kinds of virtual frogginess, from the silly to the scientific.


From a frog-lover with too much time on her hands, Frogland seems boundless. This very, very extensive site is both a fun place to kill some spare time and a useful starting place to go about locating any frog-related information on the internet.

The Somewhat Amusing World Of Frogs

Somewhat amusing. Somewhat informative. It's light reading with an Australian bias. Simple questions answered simply and spiced with trivia.

Kikker Land

A bilingual site (English and Dutch) featuring the author's own creations of pictures, animations, and other art of frogs. A pleasant distraction worth spending some time on.


Frogsite is "a declaration of love to the frog". As a christian web site it is obviously spiritual and it has overlap with animal-liberationist views but we are assured that Frogsite "is not the work of a group of madmen". It is well written and thoughtful and presents a unique point-of-view.

Regarding these links

The links on this page are restricted to those dealing with frogs in general or frogs from within Australia, as opposed to specific frogs from overseas. If you know of a quality site which fits this criteria, then please suggest it for inclusion.

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