The Amphibian Research Centre (ARC) is a non-government organisation and only a small proportion of our funding comes from grants. When the concept of the ARC was formed we planned to find new ways of funding conservation, including the ARCade, our live-foods store. All of the profits made from selling insects and rodents to you are used to pay for staff and other expenses that are required by our frog programs.
This model has allowed the ARC to become a global leader in frog conservation. From our beginnings researching how to breed and grow analogue species (those closely related to threatened frogs) to our world-first breeding, rearing and release to the wild of many threatened species, we continue to find new ways to save frogs. We don’t just breed and put frogs back; we actively study what threatens them and look for ways to reverse those threats.
Our research led to us having significant involvement in the discovery and early research on the global frog-killing Chytrid Fungus. We have also had a leading role in developing technologies to keep infections out of captive breeding programs as well as treatment for infected frogs. Our shipping-container-based potable frog conservation labs (“frog pods”) are now used all over the world by zoos, universities, governments and non-profits trying to save frogs. We are now looking for ways to assist frogs to live in environments with the Chytrid Fungus or to reduce their exposure to it.
Your donation goes directly to supporting our frogs and, through them, to supporting research that prevents extinction.