Family Myobatrachidae, Genus Pseudophryne
A group of small (to 30mm long) ground dwelling species (normally referred to as toadlets) which spawn out of water. Males call from a "nest" or shallow burrow built in low lying leaf litter. The eggs are deposited in the nest and often one or more frogs are found with the eggs. The eggs hatch when the area is flooded.
Their startlingly colourful undersides and their preference for walking rather than jumping make these frogs easy to identify.
Characteristics of the genus are horizontal pupils, coarse black and white marbling on the belly, and usually bright orange, or yellow in the groin or on the thighs.
Identifying Pseudophryne species
Question 16
lower belly and underside of hind limbs bright orange or yellow. Chest and
upper belly marbled in black and white.
- Go to: Southern Toadlet, Pseudophryne semimarmorata
Underside of limbs and
entire belly coarsely marbled in black and white.
- Go to: Question 17
Question 17
yellow markings on upper arm, often extending to elbows. No boomerang-shaped
ridges above shoulders.
- Go to: Dendy's Toadlet, Pseudophryne dendyi
A small pale yellow or
orange patch on upper arm not extending to elbow. A pair of boomerang-shaped
ridges over the shoulder.
- Go to: Bibron's Toadlet, Pseudophryne bibroni