Frogs of Victoria > Key guide to Victorian frogs > Limnodynastes

Family Myobatrachidae, Genus Limnodynastes

The name Limnodynastes literally means "Lord of the Marsh". All spawn in water, constructing white foamy floating rafts which contain the eggs. All are solidly-built and powerful jumpers and swimmers.

The genus is represented in Victoria by five species, ranging from the 40mm-long Spotted Marsh Frog to the Great Bullfrog at up to 100mm. A number of lifestyles are exhibited ranging from burrowers in semi-arid zones to almost fully aquatic.

The Victorian members of this genus are characterised by having a horizontal pupil, an indistinct or hidden tympanum (ear), smooth belly and usually at least vestigial webbing on the toes.

Identifying Limnodynastes species

Question 11

Choice A A large and obvious tibial gland (a gland on the calf). Metatarsal tubercle large and shovel-like.

Choice B Legs may be powerful and "swollen" with muscles but no tibial gland present. Metatarsal tubercle small to moderate.

Question 12

Choice A Belly yellow/orange.

Choice B Belly often white but sometimes yellow/orange, mottled with steel grey to black.

Question 13

Choice A Back with several distinct longitudinal dark brown to black stripes on a fawn, light brown or golden background.

Choice B Mid-dorsal stripe sometimes present. Back with large spots or blotches.

Question 14

Choice A Back usually with large clearly edged brown-olive green spots or blotches. Usually no pink or red patch on the upper eyelid. No "butterfly" shaped patch between the eyes.

Choice B Back with irregular (fuzzy) edged brown-olive green spots or blotches, often interspersed with smaller dark flecks or peppering. Often a pink or red patch on the upper eyelid, and a "butterfly" shaped patch between the eyes.

photography this page by Ian Cust.

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