Frog-friendly gardening
Frog Watch aims to involve a large number of people of all ages in actively helping to increase the quality of large-scale frog habitat in their local area. Helping our frog population will also help bird and insect habitat and aims to get more people interested in overall conservation of our environment.
This project at provides great examples of frog-friendly gardens and encourages involvement. Here, you will also find great resources that assist you in creating the friendliest garden possible.
Bonking in the Garden
Bonking in the Garden is the Why, How, and What of frog-friendly gardening - the indispensable introduction to attracting frogs to your garden. It has been published by Frog Watch as a small booklet and is now available online for you to keep.
You can obtain the complete text as a booklet in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. The PDF format is the perfect version to download and print. When printed, the document is 11 A4 pages (including the cover). The file is 964 kb.
(The information in the BITG booklet is also available for online reading as a feature article).
Friendly advice
Would you like to share your experience or do you have advice for others seeking to create a frog-friendly garden? Do you have a question that you cannot find the answer to anywhere?
Take a look at the forums in the Community - another great place for information on frog-friendly gardening. And a place that allows you to be a contributor - whether it be questions or answers!
Garden-friendly frogs
Which frogs are most likely to be attracted to your garden? We have chosen a selection of frogs from the "Frogs of Victoria" project to profile as the most likely. These frogs are common in Victoria (and in some other states) and are the frogs that would benefit most from still-water frog habitats in and around your garden.
More detail on breeding sites, eggs, and tadpoles for these species is found in the Bonking in the Garden booklet.